some may still know franziska from days gone by...
When acquaintances were made while waiting for one of the communal bathrooms to become vacant.
When the hot water in the shower had to be activated by coin-operated machine.
When the Jäger Lounge was a living room, in which you watched the Olympics together with grandma Franziska.

a house with history
Since even the very best guesthouse cannot be preserved eternally, it has now fallen to the 3rd generation to renovate the building. And since a renovation after many years of conservation is not a project to be completed quickly, we had enough time during the 14 months of building to let our visions for a special holiday residence mature and also for the most part implement it ourselves.
PS: the sinks with hot and cold water in the rooms of the Franziska are being replaced with showers and WCs. The friendships and flings that came about waiting for a vacant WC you will now have to look for somewhere else, maybe while enjoying a drink in the Franziska Rooftop!
grand PENSION franziska
For long (very long!) we racked our brains to find a suitable categorisation for the former “Pension Franziska”. Too hip, too offbeat, too old-fashioned, too wannabe... No category seemed suitable. The typical austrian “Frühstückspension” (= B&B) is a dying breed and is being automatically transformed into “boutique hotels”, “residences” and “B&Bs”. We think that’s a pity. Because we would really prefer for the Franziska to still be a Frühstückspension.
A Pension, in which you feel at home just like at grandma’s, but with more zeitgeist. A Pension that is cozy, but stylish. A Pension with selected design elements, but where you can still put your feet up with a good conscience. Our personal reinterpretation of a Frühstückspension, a “Grand” Pension.
So. Welcome to the Grand Pension Franziska!

craftmanship & DESIGN
the product of creative minds
The Schwarzenbacher family has always been closely linked with craftsmanship, and so it was clear that the Franziska would not become a cookie-cutter building. From the roof to the balconies, metal constructions, glass building components, furniture and design elements all the way to marketing, the Franziska was planned and built by ourselves.
Since Evy and Ludwig complement each other well in passion and talent, creature comforts and indulgence are given great importance and the Franziska has a green rooftop as its centrepiece and living room of the house.
In the course of the renovation work, we ourselves became construction workers and admittedly, there was more swearing than ever, but after a year of construction time we can now look at an impressive repertoire of new skills.
We are proud to have realised our vision really well. Sustainable and, above all, GENUINE, uncompromising in quality and comfortable with character. An Open House for all of you.